Cold & Cough Relief Herbal Tea - A Traditional STILLROOM GEM that is ADORED for awesome taste & speedy results -Herbalist Formulated 100% plant based anti-congestion & anti-cough goodness & relief using the value of herbals.
Wild Harvested Nettles, Our Farm Lemon Balm, Our Farm Thyme, Wild Harvested Mullein, Ginger, Wild Harvested Violets, Elderberries, Cinnamon, Hyssop Flowers.... Comforting & Soothing lasting plant source relief from cough, scratchy throat, chest & sinus congestion + Flu like symptoms like bone ache pain and discomfort.
This formulated plant infusion tea is designed for Decongesting, Soothing Cough, Boosting Immunity - easing discomfort & increasing the body's ability to fight viral attack. Enjoy it Hot or Cold.
Suited during preganancy & breastfeeding & suited for children
110 - 125 gram bag
Herbalist proprietary formula of-
Mullein flower, Lemon Balm leaf, Violet flower/leaf, Elderberry, Cranberry, Lemon peel, Cinnamon bark, Hyssop leaf, Thyme leaf, Nettle leaf, Ginger root.
Stillroom 2 Piece Stainless Steel TEA INFUSER fits any size mug or mason jar - Link -
More Stillroom Shoppe Cough and Cold Relief tools:
Horehound Cough Drops .. Vapo Chest Rub ... Vapo Inhaler Decongestant .. Hollyhock Cough Relief Syrup ... Cherry Cough Compound Tincture ... Mullein Lung Tincture ... Mullein Lung Tea ... 🍃🌿🌱 ...
The herbals combined in Cough & Cold relief Tea activate the immune system, have anti viral action, clear the sinuses, sooth a cough, sooth a sore throat - eliminate foreign matter and mucous from the lungs - supporting the respiratory tract and supporting speedy recovery.
Cough & Cold Relief Tea
An immune stimulating blend of botanicals that calm cough, this formula reduces secretions, reduces congestion supports mental & physical fatigue that comes along with a Cold Cough or Flu .. Speeds restoration & shortens duration of symptoms.
Calming, Nutritive Soothing & Restorative.
Did you know that the need to push fluids through the body when sick is paramount for speedy recovery? .... You need to consume liquids heartily when sick - it thins the secretions - reduces fever + drinking plants that soothe a sore throat decongest + ease a cough not only calm your symptoms but increases comfort & speeds recovery.
Pushing plant infusions through your system helps the body systems eliminate the virus or infection that has taken hold. Plant teas are water made medicinal.
They're therapeutic foods.
🍃Cough + Cold Relief Tea🍃 is a mighty collection of anti viral antiseptic antimicrobial infection fighting plants.
Brew in a 1 litre mason jar with our #stillroomstainlessteainfuser for maximum non rushed extraction ~ Let it steep + drink at room temp hot or cold.
1 heaped Tsp or so to a 1 litre jar or to taste + let it brew ~~ Drink that jarful thru the day or have 4 to 6+ mugs per day + you can do a 2nd mug steep.
Our Wellness Teas are BIG BAGS -
Our Cough + Cold Relief Tea is 100.grams enough for 30+ mugs for double steeping or a long run of mason jar brewing -
We offer our teas in generous quantity because if you're ill you + your family need a therapeutic amount on hand to push the plant medicine through your bodies to heal rapidly. It's called tonic Herbalism.All information on this page is meant for educational and informational purposes only. Recomendations are not intended or implied. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by any regulating body. Products and/or information/posts/ are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. Herbals are foods with traditional cultural ancestral & spiritual uses. Readers are advised to do their own research and make decisions based on their personal needs. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are taking any medication, please take note of any contraindications listed on this page.
Please see formal Disclaimer.