Herbalist Formulated Stillroom Elderberry Syrup ~ Small Batched & Plant Powerful
For Boosted Immunity & Antiviral Support - Trusted for hundreds of years & science PROVEN WILDLY EFFECTIVE toward defending from viral attack, slowing the spread of the virus & shortening the duration of viral illness of cough - cold respiratory flu - on average 3 to 5 days sooner than without. Elderberry Syrup** / Elderberry Tincture can be used every a.m. as a prevention tool OR used at onset of any viral respiratory symptom such as a sniffle, throat tickle, congestion, cough, or feeling of maliase that accompnaies viral respiratory flu cold or cough - The Stillroom Shoppe Elderberry Syrup is of therapeutic strength without the need of a long list of ingredients ~ Elderberry is a proven powerhouse & does not require additional supports to work oustandingly well.
Formulated with LOCAL Honey**
Herbalist Harvested & Formulated with Local Warsaw Honey in AMBER 250 ml glass BOTTLES ~ Keep Refrigerated & Note the Expiry on The Stillroom Shoppe Label - Expiry is approx 4 to 5 months from purchase ~ 4 to 5 month Refridgerated shelf life from when you purchase when kept COLD.
Store in back of fridge, not on door.
Stillroom Elderberry Syrup is a local honey based formula - suited for ages 1 year+ to Adult - Requires Refrigeration once you receive it - Each bottle has an expiry date on label from date of purchase of about 5 months - This format is the most suited choice for family use especially due to 250 ml size - There is no difference in strength between Syrup format or Tincture format. The local honey content provides additional immune system benefits.
Organic Elder berries (Sambucus nigra), Organic Ceylon Cinnamon, Lemon Juice, Local Peterborough County Honey, Distilled Water.
250 ml amber glass bottle
Elderberry (Sambucus) Is a proven anti-viral protective herb with plenty of Research to back up it's efficiency in traditional plant wisdom & medicine.
Research shows Elderberry disables various flu strain viruses from replicating, reduces duration of viral infection by up to 4 days - according to human trials completed. Enables or strngthens human immune system fighter in that: Elderberry has been used in folk medicine for centuries to treat influenza, colds and sinusitis, and has been reported to have antiviral activity against influenza and herpes simplex. Traditionally Formulated for maximum Immunity outcomes.
More Plant Remedy Comfort Tools...
🌱Elderberry Tincture > http://bit.ly/2yQ0dvx
🌿100% Botanical Vapo Chest Rub > https://bit.ly/2wQQUec
🌿Horehound Herb Cough Lozenges > http://bit.ly/2zAnIsV
🍃Cough & Cold Herbal Tea > http://bit.ly/2zAnIsV
🌿Mullein Lung Wellness Tea > http://bit.ly/2ys4er9
🌱Cherry Bark Cough Tincture > http://bit.ly/2kND5fd
🍃Headache/Body Pain Relief Tincture > http://bit.ly/2h4ohUO
How to make Elderberry Popsicles for fever breaking anti-viral support:
Link: > https://www.facebook.com/stonehouseholistics/posts/1327681894000131
Research showing Anti-viral Flu activity of Elderberry :
Randomized Study proving Safety & Efficiancy of Elderberry :
Link: > https://bit.ly/2M75831
3 Randomized Trial Results Elderberry as Flu Anti-viral:
Elderberry Improves Prevention Duration & Disables Ability of Flu viruses to Spread: http://sambucol.co.il/_Uploads/dbsAttachedFiles/sambucol_info.pdf
** Elderberry Syrup is Suited for ages 1+ year to Adult
Elderberry Syrup ~ Stllroom Shoppe Organic
Stillroom Elderberry Syrup** (Sambucus) Formulated with Local Raw Honey Honey in a Herbalist Traditional antiviral, powerful immune enhancing Syrup. Increases body’s ability to fight viruses and decreases duration of viral infections. Local Immunity Enhancing Wildharvested Elderberries.
** Stillroom Elderberry Syrup is not for use for children under 1 year old due to Local Honey content - BUT is SUITED for ages 1+ year to adult.
Research Findings on Elderberry's anti-viral immune enhancing actions: Link: > https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3056848/
Link: > https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11399518
Link: > http://www.naturalnews.com/038659_flu_epidemic_elderberry_p…