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Fever Comfort Glycerin is a Child & Adult fever soother  that is helpful in managing + providing comfort when fever is present during common flu, cough or cold. This formula contains traditional plants that promote perspiration which cool and herbs that provide anti viral support & bodily comfort. 


Fever Comfort Herbal Glycerin - Suited for Children 1 year + Adult 

For Children aged 6 months to 1 year - See Violet Children`s Syrup

Suitable during pregnancy & breastfeeding


Herbal Fever Comfort Ingredients:

Lemon Balm, Catnip Leaf, Elderflower,

Spearmint Leaf, Ginger root, Chamomile Flower,

Fennel seed, Violet flower, Tulsi, Yarrow flower, Vegetable / Coconut Glycerin


50 ml glass dropper bottle


Fever is not an illness. It is the body’s healthy, natural response that helps fight infection.

they are actually a good thing! A temperature over 100.4 degrees F is considered a fever. Most fevers are in the range of 101-103.5 degrees. A high fever is over 103.5. The body raises the temperature to create an inhospitable environment for most of the “bugs” that can make our kids sick, and which prefer to thrive at normal body temperature. A fever is also part of a natural and healthy inflammatory response that mobilizes white blood cells, antibodies, and cytokines to fight infection.


Fevers in kids are generally caused by common viral infections, and most of these are not dangerous. Kids will often have symptoms such as a cough, runny nose, earache, or rash – but often the fever comes before the symptoms. When there are cold symptoms accompanying a fever use Herbal Fever Comfort - keep your child comfortable, and keep the child very well hydrated. Pushing cooled herbal teas and water is a powerful aid the the body in fever management.  ....Interestingly, kids with ear infections and sore throats (85% of sore throats are viral, not strep) improve on their own with comfort, support, lots of hydration and anti viral herbals to increase comfort. Bacterial infections such as strep throat, urinary tract, and some ear infections can also cause fever and these are reasonable times to treat with pain relieving medications if symptoms are severe and not responsive to natural therapies, and with an antibiotic. 


While Tylenol, ibuprofen acetominophen products and similar medications can reduce fever by about a degree, they don't get to the underlying cause, don't shorten the duration of the illness, and while they can help your child to be more comfortable, which is important, they do carry risks. Tylenol has been associated with liver toxicity and increases the risk of developing asthma and habitual use has recently been linked with Austism Spectrum Disorder.   Ibuprofen, and other NSAIDs, can cause gastritis and stomach bleeding just from using them every day for a week for fever, are associated with secondary infections, and may delay healing.


With more severe discomfort, the simple common herbs aren't always enough, and professional guidance from an integrative doctor might be needed + sought if required.


If your child is under 1 month old and has a temperature of over 100.4 degrees, or under 3 months old with a fever over 101.5 and nobody else in the family has a cold, call your doctor or go to the emergency room.


Most fevers are due to minor and self-limiting viral infections. The exception to that is if a child has a fever and doesn’t really have any cold symptoms. One thing to consider in that case is a urinary tract infection, so you want to be aware of that.


Any babies under 3 months old with a fever should be seen by a physician because they’re more susceptible to serious bacterial infections just due to the natural immaturity of their immune system.


Any babies under 6 months old with a high fever – that’s over 103.5 degrees – and any child with a fever of over 104 should be seen, unless the fever comes down quickly, with fever treatments like Tylenol or ibuprofen, and the child is otherwise comfortable.


Any kids who are not taking fluids or not urinating a normal amount or just not acting right should be seen. If there’s a stiff neck, persistent vomiting or severe headache – which can be meningitis, although that’s rare – severe ear pain or belly pain, they should be seen. If they don’t seem fully able to wake up, they seem weak or limp or they can’t make eye contact. And children of any age who have had recurrent fevers for more than 7 days, even if the fever lasts only a few hours. And, of course, if you just feel like your child needs to be seen, then go get seen.


NOTE - this is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace medical treatment. If you are concerned about your child's health please seek medical care. 




The Effect of Viola Odorata L. for Fever in Children: A Randomized Triple-blinded Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial  THIS is why Violet is also included in the ingredients for our FEVER COMFORT Glycerin.  





Fever Comfort - Herbal Glycerin Extract

  • Seek medical attention for:

    • All babies under 1 month old with fever should be seen by a doctor immediately. This can be a medical emergency.
    • Babies under 3 months old with a high fever should be seen by a doctor.
    • Any kids who are not taking fluidsnot urinating a normal amount compared to usual, or are just not “acting right” should be seen by the doctor.
    • Any kids with fever along with stiff neck, persistent vomiting, or severe headache should be seen by the doctor.
    • If your child has severe ear pain or severe belly pain.
    • If your child is lethargic – that is, he just isn’t really waking up fully, seems weak, or just seems sort of limp, is just lying there, and doesn’t really make eye contact.
    • Fevers that stay high for more than 3-5 days.
    • If you feel worried that your child has a serious illness, take your child to the doctor. Remember, trust your intuition.


    Keep in mind that you do not have to treat the fever itself – the body is trying to mount this fever to fight the infection.

    When your child has a fever the most important thing is to encourage rest and give plenty of fluids. Fevers may continue for a number of days or go away and come back – especially in the afternoon and evening – for several days. This is usually not a problem if the child is taking plenty of fluids and seems otherwise well.

    • Hydration is key: Give your child loads of fluids during the fever. Cooled herbal teas are especially helpful. Nursing babies should nurse freely. Older babies can be nursed often and given a little bit of water by teaspoon, sippy cup, or even an eye-dropper every 30 minutes. If your child is sleeping a lot, wake him up periodically for sips of water or tea. If your child is refusing to drink much, then give herbal or natural fruit juice ice pops. While I'm not a fan of giving sugary fruit drinks, getting fluids in is essential – and an average ice-pop has about 4 oz. of fluids and kids love them.  Herbal ice pops made with herbal teas are also a terrific, tasty and sneaky way to get natural remedies into your child. 
    • Let your child rest and sleep as much as she needs to. Create a quiet, comfortable, restful environment and keep your child home from day care or school during a fever.
    • It's normal for kids to have very little appetite when feverish. Keep foods light – soups, broths, toast, small amounts of fruit, steamed vegetables – and don't force them to eat. But do push fluids all day and evening. 


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